
I’m a librarian, reader, and occasional writer living in Saranac Lake, NY. I’m an avid home cook, have a growing interest in gardening and have spent a lot of time working on our 1910 cure cottage here in Saranac Lake.

This site is designed to be the slowly-growing canonical home for myself here on the web. I’ve had webpages in fits and starts for twenty years, all of which are a collection of static HTML files on a hard drive in a closet somewhere, but having a homepage feels like a way to stake a claim for myself outside the nearly all-encompassing walled gardens of social media. Some of that’s worth digging up and migrating here, since it existed in the recent-enough past that it’s still of interest to at least me.

As I write this is 2022, it feels incredibly important to my well-being and that of the broader culture to try and think slowly, write only sporadically and engage carefully. Perhaps this is the time I manage to build a bit of consistency.

White pine trees in the yard and a partly cloudy blue sky